Crypto Chasers

Crypto Chasers

A DAO helping new Web3 projects and users grow.

Crypto Chasers Technical Newsletter 20230919

Contributor: Script Money
Full-stack engineer, familiar with Web3 development ecosystem, has written some technical tutorials

This article is the third issue of the technical newsletter produced by CryptoChasers. The information comes from personal collection and community group chats. It mainly focuses on practical content related to Web3 development and Crypto activities.

Section Settings:
Editor's Picks: The author's recommended top 3 recent information worth paying attention to
Tool Recommendations: 3 developer tools recommended by the author worth trying
Community Hot Topics: 3 hot topics from this week and a historical week in the community group chat
Developer Activities: Grants and hackathons that can be participated in the coming weeks
Recommendations: Community projects, recruitment, advertisements, etc.

Welcome to submit contributions in the comments or private message the author

Zero Knowledge Proof Learning Roadmap#


Reason for recommendation: Chinese materials, detailed content, from shallow to deep, worth studying slowly

PWA Push Notifications for web3 apps#


Reason for recommendation: Introduces how Friend.Tech uses PWA technology to implement message push



Reason for recommendation: Intents will become an important technology for Web3 frontend in the future
Concept introduction:
Ecology introduction:
Cutting-edge discussion:


Other MEV builders#

block builder

Reason for recommendation: When encountering special situations that require immediate packaging, flashbot has a low packaging rate and is not a good choice
RPC overview:
Packaging rate:



Reason for recommendation: The best Figma design to frontend code tool, can greatly reduce frontend development time



Reason for recommendation: The best Research AI tool recommended by chainfeeds editors, can replace similar products

Community Hot Topics#

Experiences with's race and number grabbing#

  1. The project developer monitors new users and fans' numbers on the base using smart contracts, and starts buying operations when the conditions are met, but there are also cases of condition errors, so caution is needed.
  2. Someone mentioned the method of grabbing money on the base, including obtaining the addresses of influencers and waiting for them to deposit, and then continuously making purchases. This strategy is considered effective.
  3. The discussion involves comparisons of different encryption projects, including FTRoom, BSC imitation disk, etc., as well as their own experiences and profits.
  4. The discussion also mentioned the method of using AI to batch grab numbers, and some users shared their profit situations, including 0.1u and 0.5u. In addition, some people are concerned about whether the shareholding only increases and does not decrease.
  5. Someone mentioned that a user's key may have rug risk and needs to be vigilant. At the same time, some users mentioned that the bot they use only makes purchases.

Discussion on alternative proxy tools#

  1. In the discussion, someone asked if they are using soft routers and mentioned that they are using OpenClash. Another person answered affirmatively and said they are using OpenClash, but encountered problems.
  2. Another person said that they have fully adopted Surge and believe it is more worry-free. Someone asked if Surge can be installed on a soft router and suggested buying a Mac Mini M2 as a soft router and using the Surge client on Mac. However, someone also mentioned that their Mac is facing performance issues and a series of configuration problems.
  3. Someone plans to buy a Mac Mini M2 on Pinduoduo to use as a router.

Requesting and storing transaction data in the tens of millions#

  1. In the discussion, someone mentioned dealing with transaction data in the tens of millions and asked whether to use MySQL or big data databases (such as ClickHouse) for storage. Someone suggested using ClickHouse.
  2. The discussion involves storing balance data of USDT and WETH liquidity pools and stating that there are 9 million data on-chain. They want to store the data locally to improve query efficiency without relying on APIs.
  3. Someone mentioned that using API to query prices is not enough and needs to find the price of a specific block number. Other members suggested using RPC service providers to obtain balance data of block numbers and addresses, with Ankr mentioned as a free choice.
  4. The discussion involves analyzing the historical transaction data of tokens, calculating the buying and selling prices at that time, and how to obtain the price of a specific block number. It is recommended to use Ankr's archival node to obtain the required data.

URLs mentioned in the group chat#





Data Sources#

On-chain Data#





Developer Activities#

For more activities, please refer to the previous 2 issues, most of which are not expired


Welcome to provide feedback or submit content in the comments section

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