Crypto Chasers

Crypto Chasers

A DAO helping new Web3 projects and users grow.

Crypto Chasers Weekly Report 0808

Crypto Chasers Family,

Whether you are a long-time member or a new member of Crypto Chasers, this weekly report can help you stay informed about community-driven work. While the community is made up of decentralized individuals, it does not lack leaders. The Crypto Chasers weekly report is a way for us to make decisions that impact the entire community.

We welcome collaboration and meaningful conversations, sometimes just for meme entertainment and cheers for the financial freedom of our community members.

That's why we publish this weekly report. Wishing you a pleasant week!

Contributors:, Duck Duck, Luo Binghe, Mia, Sky

✅ Actions This Week#

Last week, x new members joined Crypto Chasers, and the following actions were taken:

  • 📜 Governance

Daily governance, reviewing and responding to DC views and comments

Publishing xlogs and meetings for the weekly report

Web3&AI activities

  • 👥 Education

Advancement of the alpha group, rotating project sharing, focusing on gaming this week

Writing recommended high-quality tutorials for intermediate-level solidity

  • 🗞 Market

Engaging in discussions and collaborations with community collabs, @bakery_swap, @TinFunNFT, @PhotonMilkyway, @TrekkiNFT

Following up on community collabs, @ageofdino, @TrekkiNFT

  • 👾 Technology

Optimized the WeChat bot. Finalizing

  • 🏃‍♀️ Community

Lecture by Brother Long in the fourth session; Alpha group notes organization

Expectations for Next Week

Governance: Daily governance and xlogs, issuing the weekly report and meetings, initiating a new governance, actively participating in the alpha group and workgroup proposals

Education: 1. Alpha group to produce at least 10+ good project shares. 2. Writing tutorials for advanced-level Solidity.

Technology: Improving the WeChat bot documentation, starting Twitter monitoring development.

Market: Engaging in 1 collaboration project and an AMA, considering the process

Community: Release of Lecture 3 by Brother Mao OAT, active participation in gaming groups

Gaming group

Builder group


The third month is coming to an end around the 17th, and the workgroup will continue to work on proposals quickly. @Sky by @scriptmoney.eth

Last week, Crypto Chasers distributed 0 USD to active sharing community members!

🏛 Governance#


Proposals Under Discussion#



Balance: 8.273 ETH

Change: 0 ETH

👀 In Case You Missed It 👀#

📊 Our Journey So Far 📊#



🤣 Meme of the Week 🤣#


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