Crypto Chasers

Crypto Chasers

A DAO helping new Web3 projects and users grow.

Crypto Chasers Weekly Report 0711

Crypto Chasers Community,

Whether you are an old member or a new member of Crypto Chasers, this weekly report is your gateway to understanding community-driven work. Although the community is made up of decentralized individuals, it does not lack leaders. The Crypto Chasers weekly report is a way for us to make decisions that impact the entire community.

We welcome collaboration and meaningful conversations, sometimes just for meme entertainment and cheers before achieving financial freedom with fellow members.

That's why we publish the weekly report. Wishing you a pleasant week!

Contributors:, Duck Duck, Luo Binghe, Mia, Sky


✅ Actions this Week#

Last week, x new members joined Crypto Chasers, and at the same time:

  • 📜 Governance

The alpha team executed and assisted Brother Script in improving and implementing the community's enthusiasm plan, creating the weekly report, and publishing it on xlog.

  • 👥 Education

Wrote Solidity basics recommendation.

Formed an 8-person team and conducted a trial run for a week, currently working on establishing workflows.

  • 🗞 Market

Negotiated community collaborations with @ageofdino, @petgptofficial, and @KaKarbom.

Followed up on community collaborations with @ageofdino, @petgptofficial, and @PlantMaster_nft.

  • 👾 Technology

Continued to improve the WeChat bot.

  • 🏃‍♀️ Community

Collected security issues such as hacking and theft, preparing to compile them into a book.
Confirmed Brother Dao as the guest speaker for the fourth lecture.

Expected for next week:

Governance: Weekly report process, meeting process, daily governance with alpha participation, publish xlog.

Education: Research group, tutorial AI/quantitative.

Technology: Complete WeChat bot. Complete monitoring Twitter follow script.

Market: Collaborate with two projects, one AMA, consider the process.

Community: Create a group security manual, see what other complementary tasks can be done, such as group tools or security awareness; prepare content for the fourth lecture; prepare for the third lecture with Brother Mao OAT.

Subsidies: Fill out forms, vote on all.

Distribute red envelopes for recruiting new members.

Last week, Crypto Chasers distributed 0 USD to active sharing members!

🏛 Governance#


Proposals Under Discussion#


Balance: 9.084 ETH

Change: 0

👀 In Case You Missed It👀#

📊 Our Journey So Far📊#



🤣 Meme of the Week#


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